Hola muy buenas, tengo un galaxy express i8730 y estoy intentando instalar ubuntu en el pero creo que por el momento todavia no se puede salvo en los nexus; aun así lo he probado y me gustaria saber si alguien conoce como instalarlo??
Os muestro lo que me ha sacado en el PC:
Nota: desde PC con ubuntu, con drivers usb instalados de kies y siguiendo el tutorial de la pagina oficial de ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install
usuario@pcusuario:~/Escritorio/probando$ sudo phablet-flash --help
usage: phablet-flash [-h] ...
phablet-flash is used to provision devices. It does a best effort to deploy in
different ways.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Provisions the device with a CDimage build of Ubuntu Touch.
Provisions the device with legacy unflipped images.
Provisions the device with an Ubuntu Image Based Upgrade
community Provisions the device with a community supported build.
Use -h or --help after each command to learn about their provisioning options.
usuario@pcusuario:~/Escritorio/probando$ sudo phablet-flash cdimage-touch -b
"Touch Developer Preview for Ubuntu" is released for free
non-commercial use. It is provided without warranty, even the implied
warranty of merchantability, satisfaction or fitness for a particular
use. See the licence included with each program for details.
Some licences may grant additional rights; this notice shall not limit
your rights under each program's licence. Licences for each program
are available in the usr/share/doc directory. Source code for Ubuntu
can be downloaded from archive.ubuntu.com. Ubuntu, the Ubuntu logo
and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
"Touch Preview for Ubuntu" is released for limited use due to the
inclusion of binary hardware support files. The original components
and licenses can be found at:
Do you accept? [yes|no]
INFO:phablet-flash:Device detected as expresslte
ERROR:phablet-flash:Unsupported device, autodetect fails device
Alguien puede ayudarme??